Lily Upshire is Winning by John Holmes Promo

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• Genre:  Young adult / new adult fiction; satirical fiction

• Print length: 376 pages / 130K words

• Age range: 14+ to adult (but see trigger warnings below)

• Trigger warnings (these are more extensive as it is a young adult book; no adult-level triggers noted) 

emotional and physical bullying,non-injurious deliberate self-hurt, off scene reference to mild self-harm by a peripheral character, touches on teenage sexuality and issues surrounding sexual orientation; mild non-graphic sex scenes as an older teenager, satirical depiction of US big business, a dog survives being thrown into a canal.


A young teenager without parents or siblings, Lily Upshire takes the world on her own terms. When she finds something wrong with her favorite drink, she just wants the big company that made it to say sorry to her. But the adults in her life have other ideas, seeing everything in terms of money. As the company makes ever more extravagant overtures to avoid apologizing to her, she remains unmoved. She’s more concerned with what makes her life miserable: the school bullies, most of her teachers, and the scammers and catfish online. To gain self-confidence she begins boxing lessons. When she realizes her name is more important to the world than she is, she hits upon an idea that changes everything. The once-solid walls of the behemoth corporation slowly begin to melt. With elements of satire and surrealism, Lily Upshire Is Winning is a coming-of-age novel with a difference.


Honours Graduate in social sciences; former insurance claims adjuster; member of Crime Writers Association; distinction in freelance articles course with London School of Journalism. Author of 7 books: novels, non-fiction, short stories.

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